

Rogers Media Inc. agrees to pay $200,000 for allegedly violating CASL

The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) today announced that Rogers Media Inc. has paid $200,000 as part of an undertaking to resolve alleged violations of Canada’s anti-spam legislation (CASL). It was alleged that Rogers Media failed to comply with various requirements of CASL, which mostly relate to the unsubscribe requirements. For instance, it is alleged […] Read more


Caught in the Web: Can privacy laws play its fundamental role of protecting individuals?

I will be participating at the “Caught in the Web” conference organized by the McGill Law Faculty (Continuing Legal Education) taking place on November 17, 2015 at 6pm. The information society has turned into a supranational knowledge society and digital economy. No discipline can claim a monopoly on regulating its unbridled development. I will be presenting […] Read more


Privacy class action update: Appeal dismissed in the IIROC security breach action

After the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (IIROC or in French OCRCVM) who monitors all trading activity across the country suffered a security breach in April 2013 (an employee lost a USB drive containing the personal information of individuals with accounts at various brokerage firms), a class action was filed against IIROC, claiming 1,000$ for each […] Read more


Le consommateur numérique: une protection à la hauteur de la confiance?

AVIS – En raison de la possibilité d’une grève des employés de la BAnQ Vieux-Montréal qui vient d’être annoncée,  l’évènement sera déplacé à l’Université de Montréal, au Laboratoire de cyberjustice (local B-2215) de la Faculté de droit (3101, chemin de la Tour – Métro Côte-des-Neiges / Université de Montréal ou stationnement à l’Oratoire St-Joseph à 5,00 $ ou stationnement […] Read more


Vie privée 20.15: Entrevue radio sur les enjeux en matière de vie privée en affaires

La prolifération des nouvelles technologies amène une panoplie de questionnements quant à la protection de la vie privée et des renseignements personnels. Chaque semaine à Vie privée 20.15 (dimanche matin à 11h), le journaliste Guillaume Touzel-Bond creuse, en compagnie d’experts de partout au pays, de nombreux enjeux concernant la vie privée de groupes ciblés: les […] Read more

Events Legal News

De-identification around the World – IAPP Privacy, Security, Risk 2015

I will be presenting on De-identification around the World, at the Privacy, Security, Risk 2015, presented by the IAPP Privacy Academy and CSA Congress, in Las Vegas, on October 1, 2015. My co-panelists are Phil Lee, Head of US Office, Fieldfisher and Andrew Reiskind, Deputy CPO, MasterCard. All around the world, personal information is defined in a wide […] Read more