
Loi sur la protection de la vie privée des consommateurs du Canada : incidences sur les entreprises

Le 17 novembre 2020, le ministre de l’Innovation, des Sciences et de l’Industrie Navdeep Bains a présenté le projet de loi C-11, intitulé Loi édictant la Loi sur la protection de la vie privée des consommateurs et la Loi sur le Tribunal de la protection des renseignements personnels et des données et apportant des modifications corrélatives […] Read more


Anonymous video analytics’ (AVA) future uncertain after Canadian privacy regulators’ investigation

On Oct. 28, 2020, the federal privacy commissioner and its provincial counterparts in Alberta and British Columbia issued joint Report of Findings with respect to the information-handling practices of a property management company using anonymous video analytics (AVA) in order to generate demographic information about consumers in its shopping centres, in a purportedly anonymized and […] Read more


OPC lays groundwork for a Canadian right to be forgotten in recent RateMDs privacy decision

On June 30, 2020, the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada (OPC) released its Report of Findings on the information handling practices of the operator of RateMDs.com, a popular review website that allows users to rate health professionals for the benefit of other patients (RateMDs). The decision arose from a complaint filed by a dentist from British […] Read more


My Appearance to discuss Bill 64 (Quebec privacy law – private sector)

Earlier this summer, Quebec’s National Assembly introduced Bill 64, An Act to modernize legislative provisions as regards the protection of personal information, which proposes to overhaul Quebec’s privacy laws, including those applicable to private-sector organizations. Among the various changes being considered, the bill would significantly increase monetary penalties, introduce new enforcement mechanisms, impose new data […] Read more


Réflexions sur le projet de loi no 64 (protection de la vie privée dans le secteur privé au Québec)

Je suis ravie d’avoir aujourd’hui témoigné devant la Commission des institutions dans le cadre de leurs Consultations particulières et auditions publiques sur le projet de loi no 64, Loi modernisant des dispositions législatives en matière de protection des renseignements personnels. J’ai soumis, avec certains collègues, un court mémoire dans lequel nous présentons nos observations sur […] Read more


IIAC Open Banking webinar

I am delighted to be participating at the IIAC Open Banking webinar taking place on September 17th, 2020 at 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm ET. Questrade and the IIAC FinTech Committee, led by Annie Sinigagliese, will be hosting Christine Day, Steven Boms and myself to present on Open Banking and Consumer-Directed Finance. I will present on privacy legal […] Read more


Ontario signals the coming of commercial privacy legislation

In a move of great significance to organizations doing business in Ontario, the province recently opened a consultation on private sector privacy regulation. The consultation, which runs until October 1, shows a strong commitment to moving forward with legislation that will create new and stringent privacy compliance requirements and potentially establish new employee privacy rights […] Read more


Manufacturers of internet of things devices: guidance from the Canadian Privacy Commissioner

There has been plenty written about the growth of the internet of things (IoT) market. Arguably, the global pandemic may have even crystallized the benefits of IoT solutions and pushed towards system-wide digitization across industries, communities, cities, and countries. While there is currently no IoT specific legislation in Canada, on August 20, 2020, the Office […] Read more


Cloud services – Guidance for managing cybersecurity risks

Cloud services make information technology (IT) resources (e.g., networks, servers, software applications and data storage) and related services (e.g., hardware and software maintenance and technical support) available as a utility or consumption-based service. Cloud services enable an organization to outsource its IT requirements to a specialist cloud service provider (a CSP) who can provide required services in […] Read more